Thursday, 12 February 2009

A legend in my own lunchtime!

So today was a big day. Jane was out of the office most of the time (she was running around after Delia. Yes, *that* Delia. I guess Jane is to Delia what I am to her - eg. a dogsbody. Anyway - rambling), so that meant I got to sit in the grown-ups' chair. That's a metaphor by the way - I'm never, ever allowed to go into Jane's office (seriously, that's like one of the unwritten laws at the Record. Emerson thinks it's because she keeps a vat of virgins' blood in there. She's crazy and maybe a little evil - but I don't think she's actually a vampire. Anyway, Emerson was only half paying attention when he said this - he was on the net, looking up UFO stuff. He found this thing about... I don't know. Weird lights in the sky over Jersey? Intelligent life from outer space is coming to Cherry Hill - um, I doubt it. If Emerson’s in a good mood, I sometimes get to call him a nerd. He wasn't in a very good mood tonight).

Anyway, I got to field a lot of Jane's calls, answer some of her emails and generally feel like (as she'd put it) a "major cog" in the "machine of modern journalism". And it was cool! I think I managed to get an interview lined with up with A!Vast, who are this kind of progressive-emo outfit with a kind of pirate-y thing going on and their own range of nautical wear. The lead singer insisted on talking to me like he was Johnny Depp. Two years ago that would have been cool. Now? Um, not so much.

Then Jane came back, just kind of looked at what I had done, and when the BIG BOSS came in, kind of took credit for it. I mean, I'm not complaining. I'm lucky just to work there. But sometimes it would be nice just to get a teeny, tiny bit of recognition.

A girl can dream, right?

Posted by Zoe

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